Sizing and Colors for Printing

The size and color modes used for the drawings I make will heavily effect how it appears on the screen and how it will print. The two main color modes you may hear of are RBG and CMYK. RGB is mostly used for art displayed on a screen, while CMYK are colors used in physical printing. Here is a great YouTube video to help you understand the difference: What is the difference between RGB and CMYK?

If you would like to personally print or have your drawing printed by a service, it may be wiser and easier to have your drawing done completely in CMYK so the colors will come out more closely when printed, while for works only looked at in a digital sense will look more vibrant and colorful on screen in RBG.

I am also willing to help alter or fix digital work to help edit my work to make prints come out more nicely during printing, but please keep in mind I may not be able to help you achieve the exact looks you are going for due to limitations with printers and on my own end.

I cannot guarantee how your drawing will come out when being printed by you or a 3rd party, but will do my best to make sure the colors will work. If I am doing the printing myself I will make sure to send photos to the commissioner of the print work for approval.

What you see (RGB)

What gets printed