Frequently Asked Questions

Issues with payment or transactions


Issues with payment or transactions


I received the wrong invoice, the price is wrong on my invoice, or there is an issue with my invoice.

If you received an invoice with a mistake please do not pay it and contact us at so we can fix any mistakes for you.


Someone I allowed to use my PayPal account made a purchase without my permission. Can I get my money back?

According to the PayPal User Agreement, neither Creaturiam nor Paypal are responsible for transactions made by any use authorized to use your account. However, you may find the purchase is eligible for a refund from our shop. Please refer to [placeholder for refund/returns section] or contact us at our business email immediately:

“If you grant authority to someone to use your PayPal account (by giving them your login information) and they exceed the authority you gave them. You are responsible for transactions made in this situation unless you have previously notified PayPal that you no longer authorize transfers by that individual.”

Quoted from: PayPal User Agreement: What is not considered an Unauthorized Transaction

Do not give out your PayPal account login information or authorize use of your PayPal to your child or someone you don't trust.

If someone who was unauthorized to use your account made this charge, please contact PayPal customer service within 60 days to attempt to recover lost funds. This may require you to return any items that may have been shipped or release copyrights back to me if applicable.


Someone I allowed to use my card or another payment service made a purchase without my permission. Can I get my money back?

Simply put, no. Neither Creaturiam nor your bank or credit union has to give you back the money if you authorized someone to use your card or other payment service. Do not give out your PayPal account login information or authorize use of your PayPal to your child or someone you don't trust.

However, you may find the purchase is eligible for a refund from our shop. Please refer to [placeholder for refund/returns section] or contact us at our business email immediately:


My PayPal, Stripe, or debit/credit card was hacked or stolen and used to make an unauthorized payment through your site. How can I get my money back?

If in doubt, please contact us ( to see if we can resolve the issue or send you in the right direction to get any transactions from us back. You may find the purchase is eligible for a refund from our shop as well Please refer to [placeholder for refund/returns section]. If there was an unauthorized transaction made, please always consult the service or bank used to protect your accounts.

Gift Card: Please contact us if there is an issue with your Creaturiam gift card or code.

PayPal: If someone who was unauthorized to use your account made this charge, please contact PayPal customer service within 60 days to attempt to recover lost funds. This may require you to return any items that may have been shipped or release copyrights back to me if applicable.

Stripe: If someone who was unauthorized to use your account made this charge, please contact Stripe customer service and/or your bank to attempt to recover lost funds. This may require you to return any items that may have been shipped or release copyrights back to me if applicable.

Credit/Debit/Card: If someone who was unauthorized to use your account made this charge, please contact your bank to attempt to recover lost funds. This may require you to return any items that may have been shipped or release copyrights back to me if applicable.
